Domenica, 19 Ottobre 2008 14:33

Conference Invitation

Scritto da  Gerardo

Riceviamo e trasmettiamo l’invito della IRIB University, di Teheran.
“The Second International Conference on Religion and Media will be held in Tehran and Qom, Iran, from November 9th to 12th, 2008.
“We cordially invite all media researchers and scholars, representatives from diverse religious traditions, professionals and students involved with the subjects of the conference to attend and submit a paper. Further information could be found at conference website:”.
Nel seguito, ulteriori dettagli sull'organizzatore dell'evento.


Mahdiye Tavakol
Conference Coordinator

IRIB University,
Niyayesh Highway, Vali-e-Asr Street,
Tehran, Iran.
Tel: +98 21 22652238
Fax: +98 21 22652238
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